Jun 23Liked by Erin Geary

I’m grateful that we can freely discuss or say what we want on this matter. Some don’t care for Trump but it’s the entire package that he brings to the table that is important.

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Frankly Scarlett, all patriotic Americans need to give a damn. But I'm afraid a majority of them don't have the right stuff. I am not optimistic about the election in November. The socialists and communists who now dominate the Democrat Party have have already figured out how to get millions of illegals into the voting booths & how to fill out mail-in ballots. That has been their plan since our liar-in-chief took office 3-1/2 years ago.

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Honestly, I am in agreement with you. We're screwed.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

You finally convinced me by pointing out that “rat” at the end of Democrat. Profound! Genius!

Maybe I “can” vote Republican. Can you explain further your rationale for electing a felonious, once convicted, twice-impeached, thrice married, reckless narcissist? Trump's total package is important.

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Nothing got done as Madigan / Cullerton hand-cuffed him. Rauner lost the four year stand-off!!

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“But, I would rather have do-nothings in the Congress and Senate than those who are treasonous Communists.”

Reminds me a little of the 4 years we had of Bruce Rauner in Springfield. You know, I’d rather have that nothing getting done than the garbage we have to deal with now.

You got it all right !

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