1. Israel has every right to kill every Hanas that doest surrender.

2. WE SHOULD NOT SUPPORT URKRAINE IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM. WE assured the Russkis that Ukraine would not join Nato. We reneged. Russia whether u like it or not demands a buffer to its borders. We agreed with that. It's the same as our Monroe Doctrine. No foreign countries with nukes in western hemisphere. That's why we confronted Russkis in Cuba with nukes.

3. But our corrupt whore politicians both GOP and Dems vote for the weapons industry pimps that kick back monies to our elected trollops so they can get reelected.

4. Remember Ike warning us about the Military Congressional (this word was removed after congress threatened ike) Industrial Complex. Monies spent UNECESSARILY on armaments for made up wars.

5. This bullscat about cutting SS and Medicare is so we can feed the war industries more and more.

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Thank you for this.

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Candace seems erratic and uninformed.

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Sadly, yes. Have we been played?

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