Jul 25Liked by Erin Geary

All of this would be humorous if it were occurring in some third world country, but it isn't. Thanks for an excellent article, well researched and thoughtful, about how crooked and deceitful is the Democratic party. They really are trying hard to radically change our country. It astounds me how a party that is essentially in charge of our government -- the presidency and at least one chamber of congress -- controls the three-letter agencies and thus controls how and how not our nation's laws are enforced. It takes strong men & woman of character in their roles as state governors to stand up to the bullies. It also astounds me how uninformed/misinformed our general citizenry is, especially fueled by the continued false narratives pushed by the MSM. Surely of all the anchors and reporters in that industry, there must exist a percentage with the brainpower and common sense to recognize the continued lies. Apparently their lack of honest reporting comes second to paying the mortgage and therefore they push the lies of their owners. I wish that Donald Trump would lose the rhetoric, smirk and smugness that interfere with his message. These tendencies overshadow his strengths and truth-telling, giving his opponents easy opportunies to cloud and confuse the good he intends to do. Alas, at the end of the day we have imperfect choices being offered this November as our next president. (And, BTW, it's hard to see any merit in anything that Kamala has to offer, but then again she's not the real candidate the Democrats are going to run... her moment in history will end in August at the democratic convention in Chicago.)

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Agree. We are becoming a third world country and a laughing stock of the West. We need so many changes.

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Jul 25Liked by Erin Geary

I appreciate these great thoughts and words. Thank you for the invite to Chicagcontrairian.

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Jul 25Liked by Erin Geary

ObamaJoe. No one comes before the 'messiah,' even when it deals with the very ouster of the Frankenstein creation of the Biden presidency. Obama created Joe after it was apparent Bernie Sanders had a real chance to secure the Democrat nomination in 2016. And Obama orchestrated the coronation of Biden, brooking no competition in the 2020 primaries to Biden's ascendancy.

But like Dr. Frankenstein, Obama couldn't control his creation. Biden rushes to endorse his own creation, Kamala Harris before ObamaJoe could dictate who would replace befuddled Joe.

The vapid cackler, Harris is Biden's revenge against his own creator. Let the havoc begin.

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We are living in times that will be written about in history books, for sure. Let's hope the books are accurate.

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