Big name college coaches, abetted by the NCAA & to some degree the colleges they work for are the foundation of this problem.

Preventing players from leaving programs, after being recruited by coaches who bolted for “Greener” pastures shattered any integrity that remained of big time college sports.

Not allowing meal/pocket money to many athletes from disadvantaged backgrounds was another forerunner to the NIL & now unionization stances being advanced.

Colleges & Mega conferences are now reaping what they sown!

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If I were the school's i'd shut down the althelitics dept. College is to learn to think not throw a football.

Get the f.....g priorities straight.

Only morons watch college sports

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Unfortunately, this whole story outlines exactly why I can’t watch any sports anymore. Used to be sport was an escape, someplace to get your mind off of things. There was strategy, sportsmanship, camaraderie, etc.. Now you see none of it. It’s all about money, power, corporate ego (and bastardization) and even politics. Can’t the politicians keep their snotty noses out of anything, much less ruin it ? Commissioners act like our current Washington administration and implement silly rule changes and implement things that totally change what the games are supposed to be. Owners and college presidents act as if they are Fortune 500 companies. Well, ok, some are, but hopefully you get the idea. It’s all about what the few want instead of the majority. Like life in general, it’s become hurry up and get it done so we can, geez, go do I don’t even know what !

As for the Union end, and I am a union member. Be careful what you ask for. Unions are really an extension of the political landscape. So many union leaders and representatives are in it for themselves and what is good for themselves regardless of the membership. Just like politics, most leaders are elected and the general membership, as are the political electorate, has no clue who they are voting for or what they truly stand for. The risk in “demanding things” are that ultimately those things has a tendency to reduce and/or disappear altogether, the “cost of doing business”…and I thought it was supposed to be sport. It’s become the game is the politics of it and not the game itself driven by money and greed.

Money corrupts

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Unionization is the next outgrowth of Name, Image and Likeness (NIL). Only the top players in the top leagues make real money on NIL. Others, like average players in top leagues and players not in top leagues (Dartmouth) get zero or low amount. So these players want their ‘fair share’, so let’s unionize. Division III is where the players still play “for the love of the game.”.

Great John Kass podcast! No chumbolone!

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