Apr 17Liked by Erin Geary

The more I hear the scarier it gets. On a good day do you think they could even spell constitution?

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If u luv the constitution so much then follow it as written. ABOLISH ALL LAWS ON SURVEILLANCE except as allowed by constitution, ie going b 4 a judge in getting a warrant. Interesting that u or I can't tape a telephone call without letting the person know u r taping them. Our govt should be forced 2 do the same. Otherwise we live in a dictatorship like Russia, China Iran. This law was passed under a GOP president. Hmmmmm

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Boy you’re not kidding about those taking the Constitution courses. Hell, even 6th grade Social Studies should be enough to clue these morons. As for Johnson, we knew he was a weenie without a spine from day one. That’s why he holds the position now. The difference between him and Judas Joe in terms of political puppetry is that maybe Johnson isn’t senile.

What we have here is yet another example of refusal to acknowledge laws, the constitution, procedure, policy, order and any other crap like this society is subscribing to these days. Republican, Democrat, Independent, doesn’t matter. All as crooked as arthritic finger.

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